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Fruit, Horse, Bed

Hello again!

So school is up and running now, and I won't have that much time to post anymore. :( But I have time to post today, so let's get started!

Today we're going to play a game. I believe that I created it, but someone else might have thought of it first and I just never knew. It's called, "Fruit, Horse, Bed". Think of three random words and turn them into a story. If I chose the words fruit, horse, and bed, I could say: Once upon a time, a horse spilt fruit on his bed.

You have to play this game with at least one more person. They have to continue the story with their own words. The random words cannot be the same words that someone else picked. For example, three people are playing this game. I'll call them A, B, and C.

A: Once upon a time, a horse spilt fruit on his bed. (words: horse fruit, bed.)

B: The horse tried to wipe up his mess with a book, but failed. He had to call his mother at work with the fax machine for help. She didn't understand what he meant, so he took a video on his video camera for her and uploaded it to the computer. Then, he emailed it to her. (words: book, fax machine, video camera.)

C: She returned his fax message and told him to splash some water from the sink on it. When he finished wetting the mess, a little ladybug came over and ate the fruit that was left over. When he went to sleep in his clean bed at night, he sat on a paperclip that the ladybug left for him. (words: sink, ladybug, paper clip)

The players keep going until someone ends the story!

~Lily Luna

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